Editorial rules


Version 3.7 from 06/19/2021


Authors submit manuscripts of articles in electronic form. The material submitted must meet the formal requirements given below.

Please note: By submitting articles to the “Bulletin of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary”, the authors automatically agree their journal publications to be posted on websites after the printed version of the Journal is published. The official webpage of the Bulletin on the Internet, where the electronic version of the Journal is placed, hosted under the Ekaterinburg Seminary website (http://epds.ru/bulletin). The Journal is included into the Russian Science Citation Index; its website also contains free-access full-text versions of the articles (http://elibrary.ru), as well as in other databases.

An article submitted for publication in the “Bulletin of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary” must consider a relatively narrow topic and meet all the basic criteria of scientific character. Plagiarism is not allowed, and the percentage of article’s originality must be at least 80% (one can check it on the website: https://www.antiplagiat.ru/). The article should be written with scientific language, contain an introduction to the subject, and at the end of the study, heuristically significant conclusions should be formulated.


1.1. The article should contain the following elements (see sample: Appendix 1):

1) UDC / УДК (Universal Decimal Classification is defined on the website: http://teacode.com/online/udc /)

2) English transliteration for the author’s name: (dignity), initials, surname (for example: I. I. Ivanov, S. Petrov, etc.);

3) The title of the article using lowercase and uppercase letters (in English);

4) An abstract of 2000 to 2200 characters, including spaces (approximately 500 words), which outlines the goals, methods and results of the work, highlights new and important aspects of the study (in English);

5) Keywords — 5–10 words characterizing the article by which it will be indexed in electronic databases (in English);

6) Citation in the format: Citation. Author (in English transliteration). Title of the article in transliteration [Translation of the title into English]. Vestnik Ekaterinburgskoi dukhovnoi seminarii — Bulletin of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary, 0000, no. 00, pp. 000–000.

7) Surname, first name and patronymic of the author; information about the author — all academic degrees and titles, the main positions currently held, locality, for foreign countries — country and locality — translated into Russian;

8) Personal ORCID number in the format: https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000 (you can register on the website: orcid.org /);

9) E-mail (e-mail address) for publication in the Bulletin and in the RSCI;

10) The text of the article;

11) List of sources and literature used (see Section 3 of these Rules);

12) Author’s name — initials and surname (for example: И. И. Иванов, С. Петров, etc.);

13) The title of the article using lowercase and uppercase letters — translated into Russian;

14) An abstract of 2000 to 2200 characters, translated into Russian;

15) Keywords (5–10 words characterizing the article), translated into Russian;

16) Citation in the format: Citation. Author. Title of the article // Вестник Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии. 0000. No. 0 (00). pp. 000-000;

17) Information about the author (surname, names, dignity — all academic degrees and titles, the main positions currently held, country and locality) — translated into Russian;

18) Personal ORCID number in the format: https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000 (you can register on the website: orcid.org /);

19) E-mail (e-mail address) for publication in the Bulletin and in the RSCI;

20) List of used sources and literature in English (see Section 4).

21) List of abbreviations used in the article, if any (the editors recommend avoiding abbreviations);

22) Illustrations and captions to them with the detailed data — title, dating, etc.

1.2. The file with the article is to be named using Roman alphabet and should contain the author’s surname and the first word of the title of the article (for example, Petrov_Problem)

1.3. Publications that do not contain the required elements would be sent back to the authors for revision. The files of the article text (in RTF format) and illustrations (in JPG or TIFF format, with a minimum resolution of 1200×800) are to be sent to the Editorial Office using a special electronic form (https://epds.ru/bulletin/forma/). Upon receipt of materials, the Editorial Office sends confirmation, and the submitted materials are sent for review.

1.4. Direct quotations from the works of other domestic or foreign authors without quotation marks and without indicating the source are inadmissible and serve as a reason for refusing to publish the article.

1.5. Submitting an article for publication in the Bulletin of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary, the author guarantees that this text has not been published either in another scientific journal, or as part of the book or on the Internet.


2.1. The text of the article is typed in a single interval, the indent of the paragraph is 1 cm, without automatic word wrapping, paragraphs are justified in width. For Russian and English text, use the font Times New Roman, size 12.

2.2. If there are texts in ancient languages, it is recommended to use Unicode fonts. For the Greek language — the Palatino Linotype font. If the author uses other fonts for ancient languages, they should be submitted to the Editorial Office of the Bulletin along with the text of the article.

2.3. In the matter of writing church vocabulary, authors should adhere to the rules of the Russian (or English) language and the recommendations of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church (see: Editorial and publishing design of church printed publications: Handbook of the author and publisher. M., 2015. pp. 119–151. The publication is available on the Internet. URL: http://izdatsovet.ru/upload/roi.pdf).

2.4. Footnotes should be numbered end-to-end throughout the article, they should be set automatically and placed at the bottom of the page (manuscripts with endnotes are not accepted). Bibliographic references in footnotes and the list of sources and literature used are drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008, paragraph 6. According to the specified GOST, in a short form, instead of a dot with a dash (.–), a dot (.) can be used as a dividing sign between the areas (elements) of the bibliographic description.

Examples of a short form:

1 Голубинский Е. Е. История канонизации святых в Русской Церкви. М., 1998. С. 98.

2 Кутепов В. И., Виноградова А. Г. Искусство Средних веков. СПб., 1999. С. 14–21.

3 История советского государства, 1917–1935. М., 2006. 433 с.

4 Jordan R. H. The Synaxarion of the Monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis. September — February. Belfast, 2000. P. 188.

5 Krausmüller D., Grinchenko O. The Tenth-Century Stoudios-Typikon and its Impact on Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Byzantine Monasticism // Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik. 2013. Bd. 63. P. 153–175.

6 Petras D. The Typicon of the Patriarch Alexis the Studite: Novgorod, St. Sofia 1136 / Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Roma, 1982. P. 34.

2.5. When specifying the author’s name in the bibliographic description, it is necessary to use an italic font (Eleutherius (Uspensky), Archim.). A space is placed between the initials of the author (Ivanov I. I.).

2.6. If the link is given to the same work as in the previous link, but to a different page, the expression “Там же” is used and then a new page is indicated. When referring to foreign literature of this kind, it is recommended to use the word “Ibid.” and S. (Seite for German-language publications) or P. (Page, Pagina — for publications in other European languages):

4 Ibid. P. 306. Or: Там же. С. 307.

If both the work and the page coincide with the previous ones, the expression ” Ibid.” / “Там же.”  is used.

5 Там же. Or: Ibid.

2.7. If a repeated reference to the once-mentioned work comes after other references, it is advisable to avoid the form “Decree. op.” in the title of the work, and give the author’s name, title (abbreviated — with an ellipsis) and page number, for example:

1 Голубинский Е. Е. История канонизации святых… С. 399.

24 История советского государства, 1917–1935. С. 35.

2.8. In references to articles accepted for publication, but not yet published, it should be indicated: “[in print]”.

2.9. Links to Internet resources are allowed if the specified information is not available to the author in printed form. The Internet link is designed as follows:

Author. The name of the material // The name of the site. URL: http://detailed internet address up to the final page of the site (accessed date: dd.mm.yyyy).

The http address is given without an underscore. For example:

Феоктист, иером. Проповедь на акафисте Покрову Пресвятой Богородицы // Сайт Московской духовной академии. URL: http://mpda.ru/node/7533 (дата обращения: 02.07.2009).

2.10. References to the generally accepted text of the Holy Scripture (Bible) are given in the text in parentheses. After the abbreviated title of the book, which is given without a dot, one should specify the chapter and verses. After specifying the chapter, a period is put. For example: (Mt 3. 11–12).

2.11. When using scanned, but not translated into the text format versions of paper books (i.e. when viewing electronic images of a paper book), a link to an Internet resource where you can download the book is optional.

2.12. Primary references to archival sources are made as follows: Document name // Archive name (generally accepted abbreviated archive name). Fund. Inventory. Storage unit. Sheet. For example:

Clerical list of the Holy Trinity Church of the village Ivanovo // State archives of the Sverdlovsk region. F. 198. Op. 5. D. 62. L. 35.

2.13. Repeated references to the same archive are made as follows: Name of the document // Generally accepted abbreviated name of the archive. Fund. Inventory. Storage unit. Sheet. For example:

Clerical list of the Holy Trinity Church of the village Ivanovo // GASO. F. 198. Op. 5. D. 62. L. 35.

2.14. Links to private archives are made in the above way.

The letter of I. I. Ivanova to archim. Gavriil (Petrov) from March 23, 1916 // Personal archive of P. V. Ivanova.

The letter of I. I. Ivanova to archim. Gavriil (Petrov) from March 23, 1916 // Personal archive of the author.


3.1. At the end of each article, a list of all sources used or cited in the study (published and unpublished) and a bibliography are to be placed. The list of published sources and literature is drawn up according to the rules of primary citation of literature specified in Paragraph 2 of these Rules. At the request of the author, the publishing house in which the publication was published can be indicated. Archival sources are arranged as follows: The name of the archive. Fund. Inventory. Case. If more than one case is used from the same archive, then the stock, inventory and cases are indicated through punctuation marks within the same bibliographic position. For example:

The State Archive of the Sverdlovsk region (GASO). F. 26. Op. 1. D. 35; F. 48. Op. 3. D. 34, 67, 89; Op. 7. D. 1-5.


4.1. The list of references should be designed in accordance with the requirements of international bibliographic and abstract databases (Web of science, Scopus). A necessary condition is to specify the following parameters in the lists: the author, the name of the source (for a monograph — its own name, for an article — the title of the article, then the journal name or compendium), output data (for a monograph or collection — the place and year of publication, for an article — the year, volume and pages of the publication).

4.2. All words in the list of references written not in Latin must be correctly transliterated. When transliterating, one should use the site https://translit.ru/ru/lc /, on which, in the “Options” option at the top, select LC (Library of Congress). Except for those situations when the author has foreign publications in which his name is transliterated differently — in these cases it is advisable to keep the already accepted spelling in order to avoid discrepancies. After transliteration of the titles of monographs, articles and collections, its English translation should be indicated in parentheses. References to archival sources are not included in the reference lists of literature in English.

4.3. Description of the Russian-language monograph: the surname and initials of the author in transliteration [dot], the title of the monograph transliterated in iItalics, the translation of the title into English in square brackets [dot], the full name of the city /cities of the publication in English [comma], the year of publication [dot]. For example:

Makarii (Veretennikov), arhim. Mitropolity Drevnei Rusi (X–XVI veka) [Metropolitans of the Old Russia (10th–16th centuries)]. Moscow, 2016.

4.4. Description of a Russian-language article in a scientific periodical journal: surname and initials of the author in transliteration [dot], title of the article in transliteration, and its translation into English in square brackets [dot], title of the journal in transliteration in italics [dash], English title of the journal [comma], year of publication [comma], English indication of issue number [comma], English indication of pages [dot]. For example:

Akishin S. Yu. Mitropolit Isidor Kievskii i problema tserkovnoi unii v pozdnei Vizantii [Isidore, Metropolitan of Kiev, and the Problem of Church Union in the Late Byzantine Empire]. Vestnik Ekaterinburgskoi dukhovnoi seminarii — Bulletin of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary, 2011, no. 1, pp. 70–101.

4.5. Description of the Russian-language article in the collection: surname and initials of the author in transliteration [dot], title of the article in transliteration, its translation into English in square brackets [dot], title of the collection in transliteration in italics, English translation of the title of the collection in italics in brackets [comma], English indication of the publication place [comma], year of publication [comma], English indication of the issue number [comma], English indication of page numbers [dot]. Example:

Akishin S. Yu., Floria B. N. Isidor, mitropolit Kievskii, kardinal [Isidore, Kiev Metropolitan, cardinal]. Pravoslavnaia entsiklopediia [Orthodox Encyclopaedia]. Moscow, 2011, vol. 27, pp. 177–181.

4.6. The description of literature in European languages using the Latin alphabet coincides with the description of Russian-language literature, with the exception of translations into English. Examples:

Ziegler A. W. Die Union des Konzils von Florenz in der russischen Kirche. Würzburg, 1938.

Ziegler A. W. Die restlichen vier unveröffentlichten Briefe Isidors von Kijev. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 1952, vol. 18, pp. 138–142.

4.7. Design of a collection of articles, translation or publication of the text: it is made according to the type of monograph, the surname and initials of the publisher or translator are placed before the title of the work, indicating in parentheses the role of participation in the published work: ed. or trans. Example:

Hofmann G., Candal E. (eds.). Isidorus, Archiepiscopus Kioviensis et totius Russiae. Sermones inter Concilium Florentinum conscripti. Romae, 1971 (Concilium Florentinum; vol. 20, fasc. 2).

4.8. Making a link to an Internet source: the hyperlink is preceded by the phrase “available at:”, after the link the date of access is indicated in parentheses. Example:

Ivanov I. A. Isidor mitropolit Kievskii [Isidore Metropolitan of Kiev]. Available at: www.epds.ru/statja/isidor (accessed: 01.02.2016).


Sample Design of the Article for Publication

УДК 94(571)

Ivan A. Nikulin


Abstract. The daily routine of ecclesiastical life in Ancient Russia remains an understudied subject. In this sense, it is interesting to consider the everyday life of a bishop of the Tobolsk Diocese at the late 17th century, shortly before the great changes in the church and political life of the Moscow Kingdom. The research is based on a number of published sources and archival materials: inventories of property and accounting documents of the Tobolsk Bishop’s house, letters and petitions, as well as literary monuments. In the last quarter of the 17th century the Tobolsk Metropolitans were Paul († 1692) and Ignatius (Rimsky-Korsakov; † 1701). And the basis of their daily life was divine service: solemn and domestic (private). While the daily cycle of offices performed in the private Cross Church of the Tobolsk Bishop’s house was very modest, the bishop services in the St. Sophia Cathedral or other churches were always accompanied by large choirs, expensive vestments and church accessories. The splendor of the divine services was also emphasized by a solemn procession from Bishop’s house to the church, with the participation of the clergy and church and secular officials. The Cross Chamber played an important part in the diocese daily life as the official meetings and communication with the bishop took place here. Siberian Archbishops of the last quarter of the 17th century often travelled around the diocese and made trips to Moscow. Thanks to a number of documents, the order of such trips, as well as the circle of persons accompanying bishops and the list of necessary supplies and things have been reconstructed. The author concludes that, on the whole, the bishops followed traditional bishops’ practices of the Moscow kingdom of the 16th–17th centuries, but there were some peculiarities determined by the time, place and bishop’s personality.
Keywords: Metropolitan Pavel of Tobolsk, Ignatius (Rimsky-Korsakov), Tobolsk Bishop’s House, history of everyday life, Tobolsk Diocese.
Citation. Nikulin I. A. Bogosluzhebnaia i povsednevnaia zhizn’ tobol’skikh arkhipastyrei poslednei chetverti XVII veka [Liturgical and Everyday Life of Tobolsk Archbishops of the Last Quarter of the 17th Century]. Vestnik Ekaterinburgskoi dukhovnoi seminarii — Bulletin of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary, 0000, no. 00, pp. 000–000.
About the author. Nikulin Ivan Aleksandrovich, Priest — Associate Professor, PhD (Theology and History), Associate Professor at the Department of Church History and Philology of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary (Russia, Ekaterinburg). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000. E-mail: primer@primer.ru

The text of the article1. The text of the article2. The text of the article3, The text of the article4. The text of the article5. The text of the article67 (The text of the article).

1 Акишин С. Ю. Митрополит Исидор Киевский и проблема церковной унии в поздней Византии // Вестник Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии. 2011. № 1. С. 70.

2 Там же.

3 Ziegler A. W. Die Union des Konzils von Florenz in der russischen Kirche. Würzburg, 1938. S. 56.

4 Ibid.

5 Макарий (Веретенников), архим. Митрополиты Древней Руси (X–XVI века). М., 2016. С. 89–90.

6 Акишин С. Ю. Митрополит Исидор Киевский… С. 71.

7 Иванов И. А. Исидор митрополит Киевский // Официальный сайт Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии. URL: http://www.epds.ru/statja/isidor (дата обращения: 01.02.2016).


Isidorus, Archiepiscopus Kioviensis et totius Russiae. Sermones inter Concilium Florentinum conscripti / E codicibus graecis autographis deprompti, additis versione latina, notis, indicibus, a Georgio Hofmann S. I. et Emmanuele Candal S. I. editi. Card. Iuliani Cesarini Memoria de additione ad symbolum, cum versione graeca Nicolai Secundini, a Georgio Hofmann S. I., edita. Romae, 1971 (Concilium Florentinum; Vol. 20. Fasc. 2).


Акишин С. Ю. Митрополит Исидор Киевский и проблема церковной унии в поздней Византии // Вестник Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии. 2011. № 1. С. 70–101.

Акишин С. Ю., Флоря Б. Н. Исидор, митрополит Киевский, кардинал // Православная энциклопедия. Москва, 2011. Т. 27. С. 177–181.

Иванов И. А. Исидор митрополит Киевский // Официальный сайт Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии. URL: www.epds.ru/statja/isidor (дата обращения: 01.02.2016).

Макарий (Веретенников), архим. Митрополиты Древней Руси (X–XVI века). М., 2016.

Ziegler A. W. Die Union des Konzils von Florenz in der russischen Kirche. Würzburg, 1938.

Ziegler A. W. Die restlichen vier unveröffentlichten Briefe Isidors von Kijev // Orientalia Christiana Periodica. 1952. Vol. 18. S. 138–142.

И. А. Никулин

Богослужебная и повседневная жизнь тобольских архипастырей последней четверти XVII века

Аннотация. Повседневность церковной жизни в России до сих пор остается малоизученной. В этом смысле интересно посмотреть на каждодневную жизнь архиерея Тобольской кафедры последней четверти XVII в. — накануне больших перемен в церковной и политической жизни Московского царства. В основе исследования — опубликованные источники и архивные материалы: описи имущества и учетные документы Тобольского архиерейского дома, грамоты и челобитные, литературные памятники. В последней четверти XVII в. Тобольскими митрополитами были Павел († 1692 г.) и Игнатий (Римский-Корсаков; † 1701 г.). Основой их каждодневной жизни было богослужение: торжественное и домашнее (частное). Если совершаемый каждый день суточный круг в крестовой (домашней) церкви Тобольского архиерейского дома был весьма скромным, то архиерейские службы в кафедральном Софийском соборе или иных церквах всегда сопровождались пением больших хоров, дорогими облачениями и церковными принадлежностями. Пышность богослужения подчеркивалась и торжественной встречей архиерея в архиерейском доме и проводами его в храм, в которых участвовали духовенство, церковные и светские чиновники. Важным местом повседневной жизни кафедры была крестовая палата, в которой проходили официальные встречи, приемы и общение с архиереем. Архипастыри Сибири последней четверти XVII в. часто совершали поездки по епархии и в Москву. Благодаря ряду документов реконструируется порядок таких поездок, круг лиц, сопровождавших архиерея, и список необходимых припасов и вещей. Автор приходит к выводу, что в целом архиереи сохраняли традиции поведения владык Московского царства XVI–XVII вв., однако имелись свои особенности, обусловленные временем, местом и личностью архиерея.
Ключевые слова: митрополит Тобольский Павел, митрополит Игнатий (Римский-Корсаков), Тобольский архиерейский дом, история повседневности, Тобольская кафедра.
Цитирование. Nikulin I. A. Liturgical and Everyday Life of Tobolsk Archbishops of the Last Quarter of the 17th Century // Вестник Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии. 0000. № 00. С. 000–000.
Сведения об авторе. Никулин Иван Александрович, священник — доцент, кандидат богословия, кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры церковной истории и филологии Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии (Россия, г. Екатеринбург). E-mail: primer@primer.ru


Akishin S. Yu. Mitropolit Isidor Kievskii i problema tserkovnoi unii v pozdnei Vizantii [Isidore, Metropolitan of Kiev, and the Problem of Church Union in the Late Byzantine Empire]. Vestnik Ekaterinburgskoj duhovnoj seminarii — Bulletin of Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary, 2011, no. 1, pp. 70–101.

Akishin S. Yu., Floria B. N. Isidor, mitropolit Kievskii, kardinal [Isidore, Kiev Metropolitan, cardinal]. Pravoslavnaia entsiklopediia [Orthodox Encyclopaedia]. Moscow, 2011, vol. 27, pp. 177–181.

Hofmann G., Candal E. (eds.). Isidorus, Archiepiscopus Kioviensis et totius Russiae. Sermones inter Concilium Florentinum conscripti. Romae, 1971 (Concilium Florentinum; vol. 20, fasc. 2).

Ivanov I. A. Isidor mitropolit Kievskii [Isidore Metropolitan of Kiev]. Available at: www.epds.ru/statja/isidor (accessed: 01.02.2016).

Makarii (Veretennikov), arhim. Mitropolity Drevnej Rusi (X–XVI veka) [Metropolitans of the Old Russia (10–16th centuries)]. Moscow, 2016.

Ziegler A. W. Die restlichen vier unveröffentlichten Briefe Isidors von Kijev. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 1952, vol. 18, pp. 138–142.

Ziegler A. W. Die Union des Konzils von Florenz in der russischen Kirche. Würzburg, 1938.